Monday, December 19, 2011

Sunday, December 25, 2011

The First Lady and I, with the FPC family, extended Christmas and New Year blessings to each of you.  It is our hope and prayer that your Christmas 2011 will be filled the blessings and Presence of God.

We will be releasing the Sunday, December 25th services to allow the FPC family to spend special times of family gatherings.

We will meet again on Wednesday, December 28 for the final service of the year!

Get ready...Sunday (oops) Wednesday is coming!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Sunday, December 18, 2011...Christmas Celebration Sunday!

Welcome in Jesus Name!  The FPC family extends the best of Christmastime blessings to each of you.  It is our prayer that you will enjoy time with family and friends during this season of giving.  Jesus remains the Reason for the Season.

This Sunday will be our final Sunday services of the year.  We have opted to release services after the children's presentation on Tuesday, December 20 until our return on Wednesday, December 28.  This will allow many to gather with family and extended families as well as make the necessary travels.
The Adoration of Shepherds (Rembrandt)

Please join us Sunday, December 18 as we, again, celebrate the Birth of our Lord Jesus Christ!

Get Ready...Sunday's Coming!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Welcome in Jesus Name!  This coming Sunday will be another exciting day in the presence of God.  We encourage you to join us as we continue to celebrate the Incarnation season.

In the 9:45 am session, the sanctuary class will continue the study of Galatians 4:4..."God sent forth His Son".  This second lesson will focus on the Divine Plan appearing in time in the Person of Jesus Christ.

I am prayerfully preparing the 11:00 am message and then the FPC family will receive Rev. & Mrs. James Pearcy in the 6:30 pm session.

Get ready...Sunday's Coming!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Welcome in Jesus Name!  We invite you to help us receive the ministry of Rev. & Mrs. Jason Pearcy on Wednesday evening at 7:00 PM.  You will be blessed!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Welcome in Jesus Name! FPC is excited to receive the ministry of senior pastor, Rev. & Mrs. Johnathan Green, Beaumont, TX. We deeply appreciate their sacrifice to be with us and we are believing God for a special time in His presence this weekend. Get ready...Sunday's Coming!!!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Sunday, November 20...Harvest Sunday 2011

 Greetings & Welcome in Jesus Name!  This coming Sunday, the FPC family will celebrate the blessings of God in our annual Harvest Sunday celebration.   We will have lunch together and reflect on the blessings of God this year.

Get Ready...Sunday's Coming!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Blessings in Jesus Name!  It is our prayer that your November is going well.

This coming Sunday the sanctuary class will continue the Book of Acts study.  In the 9:45 session, Brother Steward and Rev. Gray will team teach this weeks from Acts 20.  I am preparing a special message in the 11:00 am session and we are preparing to receive Rev & Mrs. Frank McGee in the 6:30 session.

Get ready...Sunday's coming!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Blessings in Jesus!  November is here and it seems impossible that the 2011 is already closing.  The year has been filled with the blessings of God and for that we are thankful.

This Sunday the FPC sanctuary class will continue the book of Acts series from Acts 19.  The 11:00 AM message, "Accepted", will come to us from the combined texts of Genesis 4 and Ephesians 1.

In the 6:30 PM session will return to the message of Prayer.

Get ready...Sunday's Coming!!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Praise the Lord in Jesus Name!  I trust this update finds you enjoying the presence and favor of God.

This coming Sunday will be an exciting 5th Sunday morning service only.  The FPC family is set to receive guest psalmist Kenny & Donna Johnson, Winnsboro, LA.  You will be blessed by the presentation of the Gospel through the lyrics and instrumentals they have spun.

Also, this Sunday will mark the official kickoff of Christmas 4 Christ 2011!  We are believing the Lord for a record offering this year.  CFC is the missions initiative of the United Pentecostal Church, Int. focused on the expansion of North American congregations.  We have an exciting presentation prepared!

Get Ready...Sunday's Coming!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Greetings in Jesus!  FPC has an exciting weekend coming.  Brother Larry Carter will be ministering in a Saturday evening 7:00 PM session and a Sunday morning 11:00 AM session.

 The FPC family will welcome Rev. & Mrs. Scott Guinn in a special missions service on Sunday evening at 6:30 PM.

Get Ready...Sunday's Coming!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Greetings in Jesus and welcome to the news blog of First Pentecost Church!  This coming Sunday the ministry teams will ministering off campus at Gunn Garden Apartments and Decatur County rehabilitation center.

Also, we are very excited to receive Rev. Garland Tipton, senior pastor at Kingsport's Bethel Apostolic Church.

We believe the Lord Jesus is pouring out His Spirit upon all flesh!

Get Ready...Sunday's Coming!!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Sunday, October 9, 2011 Updated

Greetings in Jesus!  October at FPC has begun with a fall attendance drive...
 This Sunday we are set to officially kickoff the Bible Quiz season in the 10:30 AM session.  Also, the FPC family will receive the Lord's Supper at 6:00 PM and then move directly into the 6:30 PM worship service.  Make plans to join us!

Get Ready....Sunday's Coming!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Greetings in Jesus! October 2011 is here and the beautiful fall weather is so refreshing. It is our prayer your October will be blessed and favored of God.

This coming Sunday, the 2011-2012 Bible Quiz season will officially begin. The 10:30 session will be devoted to kickoff. Come expecting to be challenged and inspired by the Bible quiz ministry. We salute Brother & Sister Jones for leading this much appreciated ministry.

Get Ready...Sunday's Coming!!!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Greetings in Jesus Name! I trust your September 2011 was refreshing and renewing in the Presence of God. This month marks the 10th year of our pastorate. Sister Burns and I are so honored to be called of God to pastor the great saints of Parsons FPC.

This coming Sunday the FPC family is preparing to receive the ministry of Rev. & Mrs. B.G. Miller, Scotts Hill, TN.

The sanctuary class will continue the study of the Book of Acts from chapter 14.

Get Ready...Sunday's Coming!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Sunday, September 18 & 25

I apologize for the missed update for September 18. The FPC leadership team asked for the morning service in order to commemorate our 10th pastoral anniversary.

What a celebration!

The FPC family honored us with tremendous expressions of love and care. Sister Burns and I were so overwhelmed by every expression small and great. Thank you!

Tomorrow the Sanctuary class will continue its Book of Acts series, I will bring the morning message and we will receive Rev. & Mrs. Marcus Smith, Savannah, TN in the evening service.

Get Ready...Sunday's Coming!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Greetings in Jesus Name! We trust your week has been blessed and that our Lord Jesus Christ has manifested His Presence to you daily.

This Sunday will be filled with anticipation for a tremendous move of God! The sanctuary class will continue the Book of Acts series from Acts 11...

The FPC family will receive the singing ministry of Sister Karen Harding, Goodlettsville, Tennessee. You will be blessed!!

In the 11:00 sessions, I will minister from the subject "A good day for a comeback!" Invite a friends...Sunday's Coming!!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Greetings in the great and glorious Name of Jesus, the name above all others!

Sister Burns and I were blessed to travel to Beaumont, Texas this week and spend some time with our dear friends, Rev. & Mrs. Jonathan Green. The Green's were greatly used of God in 2003 to reap a 50 soul harvest here in Parsons. We love the Green's.

Today the sanctuary class will continue the Book of Acts series from Acts 10..."The Gentile Invitation!"

The ministry will be conducting preaching & teaching points at Decatur county manor and Gunn Garden apartments.

The morning message will be part 1 of "The Righteousness of God".

Because of the Labor weekend, there will be no evening service.

Hope your ready...Sunday's here!!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Praise the Lord in Jesus Name! It is our prayer that this update will find all is well with you and yours and that the Presence of our Lord Jesus is bringing joy and peace in your minds.

This coming Sunday will be the last weekend of August 2011. We are praying for a very special visitation of the Lord in each of the teaching, worship and preaching points.

After the 9:45 AM sessions, the FPC family will be invited to Worship God in spirit and truth. The leadership team is believing God for an unprecedented outpouring of His Spirit upon this congregation. We Must Experience A Revival!!

In the 11:00 AM session, we will revisit the great subject of the Oneness of God. In an hour of the erosion of fundamental truths of the Word of God, the FPC family will affirm and consecrate ourselves to a fresh Love for the Oneness of God!

Get Ready...Sunday's Coming!!!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Greetings in Jesus! i trust this update finds all is well with each of you. This week has has been overshadowed with clouds of grief. We are praying for the Royce/Butts/England families at the loss of Sheila Royse


Also, we pray for the Rev. Harold Jaco family and extended families at the loss of Sister Juanita Jaco. Our God is the God of all comfort!

The FPC family is set to receive the ministry of Rev. & Mrs. Gordon Mallory this weekend. The Mallory's are dear friends and we are trusting the Lord Jesus to use their gifts to increase His Kingdom and Work among us.

We will continue the teaching points at D.C. Manor and Gunn Garden apartments as well as the many discipleship settings on campus.

The sanctuary class will continue the Book of Acts, chapter by chapter series with Acts 8:1-40..."The Gospel arrives in Samaria!"

Get ready...Sunday's Coming!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Greetings & welcome in Jesus Name!

We will continue our Book of Acts series in the sanctuary class on Sunday. Our lesson will cover the Book of Acts chapter 7.

Get Ready....Sunday's Coming!!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Sunday, August 7. 2011

Greetings & Welcome to the FPC blog in Jesus Name! It is our hope that these updates will serve to prepare your heart to receive the things of God that are coming.

Sister Burns and I are so thankful to be home! The missions trip to serve The Sanctuary Church of Maui, Hawaii is recorded in heaven. We still are seeking the Lord Jesus to complete the great work being done by Pastor Jeff Mallory and The Sanctuary Family.

This coming Sunday will be a very special day of Worship and Word. We are expecting the Lord Jesus to rain down His power and Presence in a special measure on each of the ministry points. All the campus classes will begin at 9:45 AM as well as the Gunn Garden outreach and the Decatur County rest home service.

The move of the Holy Ghost will deal with the FPC family on the subjects of Regeneration and Renewal this weekend.

Get ready...Sunday's Coming!!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Maui Missions Trip Update

Greetings in Jesus! A quick recap...

On Monday, July 25 we received a call from Rev. Gordon Mallory that ministry was much needed at the Sanctuary Maui (UPC) as Pastor Jeff Mallory (his son) had to be away in Washington D.C. for a season of special healthcare. Could we cover the upcoming midweek and weekend services?

We departed Nashville International on Wednesday, July 27 at 7:55 AM (CST) and arrived at Charlotte International and changed planes bound for Phoenix International We arrived in Phoenix and changed planes bound of Kahului, Maui at 1:45 PM (MST).

We arrived at the Kahului (OGG) airport on Wednesday, July 27 at 5:08 (PST). We commuted the 35 minutes to our accommodations (Pastor Jeff Mallory's home) and quickly dressed for service.

The Sanctuary family received us with tremendous love and hospitality and we ministered the Word of the Lord in the 7:30 PM service.

On Thursday, July 28 we spent day on a car ride to Hana, Maui. What an amazing experience.

It is now Friday morning and we are preparing to teach in the Student Ministry service at 7:30 PM tonight.

Here is a little clip of the Sanctuary UPC children..

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Greetings to all in Jesus Name!

Sister Burns and I greet you from the island of Maui, Hawaii. We are here ministering to the Sanctuary United Pentecostal Church family in the absence of their pastor, Rev. & Mrs. Jeff Mallory. Pastor Mallory is receiving some special healthcare in the Washington D.C. area and has invited us to minister this week to his precious congregation.

We have received the exciting reports of the 2011 VBS project. Ministry to the children is very near the heart of God. Thank you to Brother Bruce Wright and his teams for loving the children!!!

Back at FPC Parsons this Sunday, Brother Randy Jones and Rev. Tim Asher are scheduled to team teach the Book of Acts chapter 5 in the 9:45 AM session.

Rev. & Mrs. James Pearcy are preparing to minister in the 11:00 AM session in our absence. Sister Burns and I deeply love and appreciate our friends the Pearcy's!

Rev. & Mrs. Tim Asher are preparing to minister in the 6:30 PM session. Sister Burns and are so thankful for the ministry and support of this great team.

Get ready....Sunday's coming!!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Pentecostals of Maui!

Sister Burns and I are preparing for a day of flying on Wednesday, July 27. We leave Nashville International, Nashville, TN at 7:55 AM and arrive at Kahului Airport, Maui, Hawaii at 5:08 local time.

We are scheduled to minister in the 7:30 PM session tomorrow evening for The Pentecostal of Maui church family. Our prayers and intercession abide with Pastor Jeff Mallory while he is receiving some special healthcare in Washington DC.

Our invitation to minister extends through Sunday, July 31 and we are scheduled to return to our call in Parsons, Tennessee on Tuesday, August 2.

Updates on this missions endeavor and the events planned for First Pentecost Parsons will be forthcoming.


Wednesday - Friday July 27-29, 2011!

Greetings in Jesus! VBS begins Wednesday night! Invite someone and join us.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Welcome in Jesus Name! The FPC family is expecting a tremendous move of God in each of the services tomorrow.

Decatur County rest home, Gunn Garden apartments, and the FPC campus will be filled with the sounds of Worship and the Word of God. Come and expect a move of God with us!!!

Get ready....Sunday's coming!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Greetings in Jesus! I trust this midweek note finds all is well with you. The evening service tonight will be Lesson 3 in our Book of Proverbs series.

This coming weekend Brother Arthur Steward and Rev. Thomas Gray will team teach the Book of Acts chapter 4 and I am preparing to minister in the 11:00 service.

In the evening service, we are preparing to receive Lexington's First Pentecostal Church senior pastor, Rev. & Mrs. David Beecham.

Get ready...Sunday's coming!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Greetings in Jesus!

I post an early-in-the-week impression that our Lord Jesus will be rising upon the FPC family in our Sunday, July 17th gathering. Pray with us and come expecting the power of the Blood of Jesus to reach to every need present...

The FPC family will receive Rev. & Mrs. Ryan Scott in the 6:30 PM service.

Get ready...Sunday's coming!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Greetings in Jesus! It our prayer that your week was filled with the choice blessings and favor of God. District Campmeeting in Jackson was a blessing to many. Tremendous fellowship, messages and renewal was experienced by many. Thank God for the United Pentecostal Church International!

This coming Sunday, the FPC family will celebrate the Power of Pentecost in each setting; classrooms, extension services at Gunn Garden and Decatur County Manor, the sanctuary class and the morning and evening service. Please be prepared to celebrate and entertain the Presence of God with us!

In the 9:45 session we will continue the "Book of Acts" series lesson 2, Acts 2:40-47 "The Church is Built"

In the 11:00 session we will minister from Genesis 24:10-11, "The Cost of the Covenant"

Get ready...Sunday's Coming!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Greetings in Jesus! Just a quick reminder that the FPC family will be meeting at the Carl Perkins Center in Jackson on Wednesday evening for District Campmeeting...

Join us in Jackson!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Greetings in Jesus!

This coming Sunday the FPC sanctuary class will begin a chapter by chapter study of the Book of Acts. The ministry teams will be reaching the residents of Gunn Garden apartments and Decatur County rest home.

I am preparing a message for the morning worship session from Mark 9:21-24 "He IS here to help you!"

Invite a friend...Sunday's Coming!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Praise the Lord and Welcome to the informational blog of First Pentecost Church, Parsons, Tennessee!

This coming Sunday will be filled with an increased expectation of a very special move of the Spirit of God. We are praying, fasting and believing for our Lord Jesus to pour out the Holy Ghost baptism on us all!

Beginning at 9:45, the ministry teams will be reaching the residents of Gunn Garden apartments and Decatur County rest home with the life changing gospel of Acts 2:38. Back on campus, the sanctuary class will receive the final lesson in our June Stewardship series, "Almsgiving".

I am preparing to release a Word of Faith in the 11:00 AM and 6:30 PM services.

Invite a friend and join us...Sunday's coming!!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Sunday, June 19, 2011...Father's Day 2011

Greetings in Jesus and Happy Father's Day to every father!

This coming Sunday we will celebrate Fatherhood. In addition, the FPC ministry teams will be reaching the residents of Decatur County manor and Gunn Garden apartments with the life changing gospel of Jesus Christ.

The sanctuary class will continue the Stewardship series lesson 3, "offerings".

The morning will come to us from John 14, "The Father's House".

The evening message we will come to "The Potter's House" from Jeremiah 18.

Get ready...Sunday's Coming!!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

I greet you on this midweek to encourage you to make yourselves available to God in prayer this week. Join us this evening for a special message on the work of Prayer in our lives.

See you in a bit...

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Welcome to the informational blog of Parsons First Pentecost Church!

This coming Sunday the FPC ministry teams will be reaching the residents of Decatur county manor and Gunn Garden apartments with the life changing Gospel of Jesus Christ!

Brother Keith Anglin and Brother Bruce Wright are preparing to team teach the sanctuary class kickoff lesson for the Stewardship series in the 9:45 AM session. I am preparing to minister in the 11:00 AM session.

We were blessed by the ministry of our resident evangelist, Rev. & Mrs. Jason Pearcy in the Wednesday evening service. His message to us concerning the coming of the Lord Jesus was incredible!

Get ready....Sunday's coming!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Sunday, May 29, 2011 Memorial Day Weekend

Greetings in the wonderful Name of the Lord Jesus Christ! Memorial Day weekend is already here. The FPC family will be gathering for morning service only this Sunday. We are expecting a tremendous outpouring of the Holy Ghost. Please join us in praying in the plan of God.

The ministry teams will be conducting teaching sessions at both D.C. rest home and Gunn Garden Apartments. The sanctuary class will receive the final lesson in the "Beware" series..."Beware lest you fall" (2 Peter 3:17-18).

In the 10:30 service, Sister Janet Johnson is organizing a singspiration celebration and the music ministry will be preparing to lead the FPC family to the throne of God in worship.

I will bring a special message of faith and encouragement form Matthew 12:6..."He's Greater than the place you are in!"

Invite a friend...Get ready Sunday's Coming...