Friday, July 29, 2011

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Greetings to all in Jesus Name!

Sister Burns and I greet you from the island of Maui, Hawaii. We are here ministering to the Sanctuary United Pentecostal Church family in the absence of their pastor, Rev. & Mrs. Jeff Mallory. Pastor Mallory is receiving some special healthcare in the Washington D.C. area and has invited us to minister this week to his precious congregation.

We have received the exciting reports of the 2011 VBS project. Ministry to the children is very near the heart of God. Thank you to Brother Bruce Wright and his teams for loving the children!!!

Back at FPC Parsons this Sunday, Brother Randy Jones and Rev. Tim Asher are scheduled to team teach the Book of Acts chapter 5 in the 9:45 AM session.

Rev. & Mrs. James Pearcy are preparing to minister in the 11:00 AM session in our absence. Sister Burns and I deeply love and appreciate our friends the Pearcy's!

Rev. & Mrs. Tim Asher are preparing to minister in the 6:30 PM session. Sister Burns and are so thankful for the ministry and support of this great team.

Get ready....Sunday's coming!!

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