Saturday, August 20, 2011

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Greetings in Jesus! i trust this update finds all is well with each of you. This week has has been overshadowed with clouds of grief. We are praying for the Royce/Butts/England families at the loss of Sheila Royse


Also, we pray for the Rev. Harold Jaco family and extended families at the loss of Sister Juanita Jaco. Our God is the God of all comfort!

The FPC family is set to receive the ministry of Rev. & Mrs. Gordon Mallory this weekend. The Mallory's are dear friends and we are trusting the Lord Jesus to use their gifts to increase His Kingdom and Work among us.

We will continue the teaching points at D.C. Manor and Gunn Garden apartments as well as the many discipleship settings on campus.

The sanctuary class will continue the Book of Acts, chapter by chapter series with Acts 8:1-40..."The Gospel arrives in Samaria!"

Get ready...Sunday's Coming!

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