Thursday, February 11, 2010

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Jesus Name Greetings!

We rejoice over all the Lord has done these past few days. Sunday, February 7 was an exciting day of celebration as the FPC family received the guest ministries of Rev. & Mrs. Ron Brown and Rev. & Mrs. Phillip Miller. Rev. Brown preached a powerful message…”Don’t let your past crowd out your future” in the morning service, and Rev. Miller blessed the FPC family with the message…”Serpent Eggs” in the Sunday evening service. Sister Burns and I are so thankful that 2 precious children received the Holy Ghost over the weekend. Hannah Anglin and Kaylynn Diller experienced their personal Pentecost!

Great things are happening at FPC, and we are excited and anticipate a continued outpouring of the Holy Ghost this coming Sunday. Rev. Thomas Gray will continue teaching his ‘Restoration’ series, and I will be bringing a special message concerning the Holy Ghost Baptism.

We will also be blessed by the ministry of Rev. Heath Daniels, Madison, Mississippi. Rev. Daniels interned at FPC during the summer break of his junior year of bible college and won our affection in simply laboring among us. He will be teaching in the student ministries session for ages 13 – High School and greeting the FPC family in the evening sanctuary service. We welcome Rev. Daniels!

We will be blessed by the various chorales, special singing, worship and move of the Holy Ghost among us! We encourage you to invite a friend and join us and…

Get Ready…Sunday’s Coming!!!

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