Friday, February 5, 2010

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Jesus Name Greetings!

Sister Burns and I greet you from the snow covered state of Virginia! The forecast is for 22+ inches by the end of the weekend. Pastor & Mrs. Jeff Dillon and the Cornerstone United Pentecostal church of Winchester, VA have been so gracious to invite us to minister in their pulpit this Friday, Saturday, and Sunday and we are expecting the Lord to move for this great congregation in a very special way. Please help us pray for the Lord to perform all His plans for us. The church family has been in an extended season of consecration and they are expecting the Lord Jesus to visit the city of Winchester, VA with revival, harvest and divine favor!

Rev. Thomas Gray will begin a sanctuary class lesson series on the subject of Restoration this Sunday, February 7. He has shared some of his leadings with me and we are in for an exciting February in the sanctuary class. Should you miss a lesson, please order your audio copy from Brother Odis Lomax (

The FPC family will receive the guest ministry of our district superintendent, Rev. & Mrs. Ron Brown, for the 11:00 AM service. You will be blessed! We are so excited our district first family has agreed to minister in our absence. Please invite a friend and pray with us for a move of God. Sister Burns and I deeply regret not being there to receive them and can only pray that our affection and appreciation will flow to them through the FPC ministry team and membership.

Rev. & Mrs. Phillip Miller, Jackson, Tennessee, will be ministering in the Sunday PM service. The Miller’s are fond friends and are always such a blessing. I ask you to ‘preach with them’ and let the Lord have His way! Expect a move of God!

The Children’s Chorale, Youth Chorale and Devoted are preparing to bless the Lord in song. Please join these singers and…

Get Ready…Sunday’s Coming!!!

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