Thursday, August 25, 2011

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Praise the Lord in Jesus Name! It is our prayer that this update will find all is well with you and yours and that the Presence of our Lord Jesus is bringing joy and peace in your minds.

This coming Sunday will be the last weekend of August 2011. We are praying for a very special visitation of the Lord in each of the teaching, worship and preaching points.

After the 9:45 AM sessions, the FPC family will be invited to Worship God in spirit and truth. The leadership team is believing God for an unprecedented outpouring of His Spirit upon this congregation. We Must Experience A Revival!!

In the 11:00 AM session, we will revisit the great subject of the Oneness of God. In an hour of the erosion of fundamental truths of the Word of God, the FPC family will affirm and consecrate ourselves to a fresh Love for the Oneness of God!

Get Ready...Sunday's Coming!!!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Greetings in Jesus! i trust this update finds all is well with each of you. This week has has been overshadowed with clouds of grief. We are praying for the Royce/Butts/England families at the loss of Sheila Royse


Also, we pray for the Rev. Harold Jaco family and extended families at the loss of Sister Juanita Jaco. Our God is the God of all comfort!

The FPC family is set to receive the ministry of Rev. & Mrs. Gordon Mallory this weekend. The Mallory's are dear friends and we are trusting the Lord Jesus to use their gifts to increase His Kingdom and Work among us.

We will continue the teaching points at D.C. Manor and Gunn Garden apartments as well as the many discipleship settings on campus.

The sanctuary class will continue the Book of Acts, chapter by chapter series with Acts 8:1-40..."The Gospel arrives in Samaria!"

Get ready...Sunday's Coming!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Greetings & welcome in Jesus Name!

We will continue our Book of Acts series in the sanctuary class on Sunday. Our lesson will cover the Book of Acts chapter 7.

Get Ready....Sunday's Coming!!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Sunday, August 7. 2011

Greetings & Welcome to the FPC blog in Jesus Name! It is our hope that these updates will serve to prepare your heart to receive the things of God that are coming.

Sister Burns and I are so thankful to be home! The missions trip to serve The Sanctuary Church of Maui, Hawaii is recorded in heaven. We still are seeking the Lord Jesus to complete the great work being done by Pastor Jeff Mallory and The Sanctuary Family.

This coming Sunday will be a very special day of Worship and Word. We are expecting the Lord Jesus to rain down His power and Presence in a special measure on each of the ministry points. All the campus classes will begin at 9:45 AM as well as the Gunn Garden outreach and the Decatur County rest home service.

The move of the Holy Ghost will deal with the FPC family on the subjects of Regeneration and Renewal this weekend.

Get ready...Sunday's Coming!!