Saturday, April 2, 2011

Sunday, April 3, 2011

I greet you in Jesus Name! Thank you for coming by the blog. It is our hope that this venue is serving to keep you informed and encouraged.

Tomorrow will be another great day of the blessings of God. Brother Arthur Steward and Brother Keith Anglin will team teach "The 1st and 2nd Commandments" from Mark 12:29-31 in the FPC sanctuary class beginning at 9:45 AM.

Also at 9:45 AM, Rev. & Mrs. Thomas Gray will be ministering at the Gunn Garden apartments class and Rev. & Mrs. Tim Asher will minister at the D.C. Manor.

Lord willing, I will bring both the morning and evening message to the FPC family. The morning message will be lifted from Isaiah 24:15 "Wherefore glorify ye the LORD in the fires..." I anticipate a great outpouring of the strength and Presence of the Lord.

Get Ready...Sunday's Coming!

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