Friday, January 21, 2011

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Greetings in Jesus! The New Year has begun in the Spirit and we are so very thankful for the presence and move of God.

Brother Larry Tillman and Brother Keith Anglin are teaming up to co-teach the sanctuary class lesson, "What is Peace".

Rev. & Mrs. Tim Asher will be ministering at the Decatur County Rest Home and Rev. & Mrs. Thomas Gray will be ministering at the Gunn Garden class. All of the FPC teaching staff will be prepared and we are believing for an outpouring of the Holy Ghost in every discipleship setting.

I am prayerfully preparing the morning message and as of the writing will be ministering from Philippians 3.

Rev. & Mrs. Donald Lance, Sr. Pastor at Jackson's Lighthouse UPC, will be ministering in the evening service.

Invite a Friend...Sunday's Coming!!

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