Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Greetings in Jesus Name! We are praying this post finds all is well with each of you.

First Pentecost Church is in a special season of the blessing of God. The summer of 2010 will be forever etched in our hearts as one of a special visitation of the Power, Presence and Providence of God.

On Sunday, September 19 we received guest pulpit, Rev. James Pearcy in the 11:00 AM service and then the FPC family received the Lord's Supper in the evening service. What a tremendous move of the Holy Ghost; many were strengthened and healing by the Word and Spirit of God.

Tonight we begin a 2 lesson series, "The Refuge" and we will continue to study the subject of Faithfulness in the sanctuary class on 9/16.

Invite a friend and get ready....Sunday coming!

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