Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Greetings in Jesus Name! We are praying this post finds all is well with each of you.

First Pentecost Church is in a special season of the blessing of God. The summer of 2010 will be forever etched in our hearts as one of a special visitation of the Power, Presence and Providence of God.

On Sunday, September 19 we received guest pulpit, Rev. James Pearcy in the 11:00 AM service and then the FPC family received the Lord's Supper in the evening service. What a tremendous move of the Holy Ghost; many were strengthened and healing by the Word and Spirit of God.

Tonight we begin a 2 lesson series, "The Refuge" and we will continue to study the subject of Faithfulness in the sanctuary class on 9/16.

Invite a friend and get ready....Sunday coming!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Rain was an Outpouring!!!

Sunday, September 12 was an amazing day in the Presence of the Lord.

We began @ 1:00 in the parking lot with the mortgage burning. What a tremendous moment of celebration as the FPC family officially finished the church mortgage process. We moved into the sanctuary and I rehearsed our coming and the 2010/2011 county crusade vision. This culminated with the commissioning of Rev. & Mrs. Tim Asher as the Project SHARE coordinators. FPC is so very blessed with capable leadership!

After a season of praise, worship and stewardship, Rev. Jason Sciscoe released a mighty Word from the Lord. Rev. James Pearcy captured the day when he said after service..."my life has been changed forever with this one service!"

Please order the audio from Brother Odis Lomax ( You will be changed by this generational message.

I will post again later in the week relative to Sunday, September 19. I will tell you that the FPC family will be receiving the Lord's Supper in the evening service.

Get Ready....Sunday's coming!!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Rain 2010 Update....

Rain 2010 began in Parsons! Last night's student ministry devotion & prayer service lasted beyond midnight. Rev. Jason Sciscoe is being greatly used of God to encourage the student ministry and beginning this afternoon @ 1:00 and then again @ 6:30, he will be bringing the Word that God has for us...

Come worship with us!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

"Rain 2010"

Praise the Lord to all!

September 2010 has brought a climatic reprieve as will as a spiritual atmosphere change at First Pentecost. Expectation has elevated. We can sense we are living in prophetic times and the FPC family is rising to the occasion.

We are preparing for another great "Rain" on Saturday, September 11. The spiritual forecast is 100% chance and we are ready for our God to 'pour out His Spirit' without measure. If you are free, we invite you to join us beginning at 1:00 Saturday for worship and then Rev. Jason Sciscoe, Dallas, TX will be ministering the Word in that 1:30 day session. After the day session move of God, we will begin breakout teaching sessions addressing various topics related to 21st century student ministry.

The evening service will be @ 6:30 with worship and Rev. Sciscoe will be ministering the Word again.

Come join us for a great "Rain 2010"...