Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Praise the Lord and greetings in Jesus! I am hoping this will find all is well with each of you and that your April 2010 was filled with the operation of the Holy Ghost in your life.

April 2010 was exciting for the First Pentecost Family. We were blessed to receive the guest ministries of Rev. & Mrs. D.W. Tipton (Vicksburg, MS), Rev. & Mrs. Jeff Dillon (Winchester, VA) and Rev. & Mrs. Phillip Miller (Jackson, TN). Each of these ministries released the Word of God with anointing and boldness. We are blessed!

We rejoiced with Brother Carl Stateler when he was baptized in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ on Wednesday, April 14.

We have noted a special touch of God's Presence on the services as He continues to prepare the Church for His soon return.

Sunday, May 2, 2010 will be an exciting day of worship and fellowship. The morning service will be a special time of celebration and ministry of the Word. Beginning at 4:00 PM we will enjoy our spring church fish fry and afterward meet for an all church softball game. A fun time is expected to be had by all!

As of this writing, I will be bringing the morning lesson at 9:45 to the Sanctuary class and then releasing the morning message in the master service at 11:00. By Saturday morning, Lord willing, I will post a preview of the impression of for the weekend.

Please expect a great outpouring of the Holy Ghost on us all. Get ready....Sunday's Coming!

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