Saturday, January 2, 2010

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Jesus Name Greetings!

As every year since our coming to Parsons, the year closed with an eye toward reflection and a desire for greater consecration. The closing sermons of the year reminded the FPC family that we are 'sons and daughters of the True High Priest'. As Aaron's sons continued his ministry, so this 'royal priesthood' continues the ministry of our High Priest (Hebrews 3:1,6). The laws of consecration to minister in the holy places of His Presence require that we are not only anointed but remain consecrated (Exodus 30:30) unto the Lord.

A primary purpose of this blog will be to keep our church family informed and inspired. I will be using the basic format of reflection on the past 7 days and a 'hint' of what I see coming for Sunday.

This 1st Sunday of '10 will be filled with ministry and a flurry of last minute organizational meetings to launch the New Year.
Brother Jordan and I will team up to minister at the rest home @ 9:45 AM.
Rev. John Guthrie will begin a "Beatitudes" study series with the Sanctuary class @ 9:45 AM.

The Children's and Youth Chorales are preparing to sing unto the Lord in the morning service.

Ladies Ministry will be meeting from 5:00 - 5:45 PM in the prayer room.

Rev. Tim Asher is scheduled to preach the Word in the evening evangelistic service.

The morning worship service is being dedicated to commissioning the 2010 leadership team. From Acts 13:1-4, I will direct this new team to do their very best to let all of our church activities and pursuits flow out of the pattern given to us by this Antioch leadership team; prayer, fasting & worship must be the birthplace of all our sending!

Get ready...Sunday's Coming!

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