Saturday, January 30, 2010

Sunday, January 31, 2010

The snow and ice have arrived! All events for Sunday, January 31 have been canceled. Please conduct family and secret devotion in your homes.

love you most,


Thursday, January 28, 2010

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Jesus Name Greetings!

The Spirit of God is calling the Church to ‘make herself ready’. The FPC family is hearing the call and the power of His Grace is enabling us to prepare for the coming of the Lord.

I thank Rev. John Guthrie for delivering 4 powerful lessons from the ‘sermon on the mount’ series. Please get with Brother Odis Lomax (audio booth) to order your copies of these incredible lessons. You will want to refer to them in the months to come.

The Sunday morning message on 1/24 concluded the ‘Call of Colossians’ series. We received the apostle Paul’s warning to ‘Beware’ of becoming a spoil of the great spiritual battle that is raging. That battle is centered in Humanism.

The FPC family was so blessed by the Youth chorale on Sunday morning and the debut of the Sanctuary chorale in the evening service. Thank you Music Ministry for lifting up the Lord in song and worship!

The FPC family was challenged and encouraged by the ministry of Rev. Terry Arnold, Tennessee District Home Missions director in the Sunday evening service. We were challenged from his Romans 1:14-17 text to respond to the call of missions and reach out in evangelism! We were encouraged to direct our ‘debt of gratitude’ for all that the Lord has done for us toward those that have yet to hear this Acts 2:38 salvation message. Thank you Rev. Arnold for an on time message!

We are set to receive Missionary Steve Smith (Guyana) on Sunday morning January 31 and then the ministry of Rev. & Mrs. Doug Ellingsworth (Finley UPC) in the Sunday evening service! Help us pray for a great outpouring of the Holy Ghost and fire in all that is done…

Get Ready…Sunday’s Coming!!!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Jesus Name Greetings!

We are living in powerful times! The world stage is being set, the end-time actors are being dressed and the Church of Jesus Christ is being positioned to shine with the Glory of the Lord.

Sunday, January 17 was another weekend filled with the working and operation of the Word and Spirit. Rev. John Guthrie taught the 3rd lesson in his incredible Sermon on the Mount series. He will be teaching the final lesson for the month on January 24. You will want to order ( the audio and enjoy this practical, Kingdom instruction series.

The Sunday evening service on January 17 was crowned as the FPC family received Rev. & Mrs. Tim Asher. They ministered to the FPC family in both song & sermon and the Lord honored their ministry again. The Word of the Lord, “I am doing a great work and I ain’t comin’ down!” came to us from Nehemiah 6:1-4. Such a timely Word! Thank you Rev. Asher. Your Prayer-paration shows!

We are expecting another powerful move of God in the Sunday, January 24th evening service as we receive the guest ministry of Rev. & Mrs. Terry Arnold, Sr. Pastor of Chattanooga’s East Ridge United Pentecostal Church and Tennessee District’s Home Missions Director. Expect a move of God with us!

With the help of the Lord, I will bring the final ‘Call of Colossians’ in the morning message to the FPC family taken from Colossians 2:4-8. We will attempt to again expose the adversary’s hope to ‘spoil’ the Church through philosophy & traditions of men, the post modern manifestation being religious humanism.

Get Ready…Sunday’s Coming!!!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Sunday, January 10, 2009

Jesus Name Greetings!

What an exciting day Sunday, January 3 turned out to be. Rev. John Guthrie instructed & encouraged the sanctuary class from the ‘sermon on the mount’ series. The children’s chorale sang “It was a great thing” as 8 year old Zachary Anglin, the first baptismal candidate of the New Year, was immersed in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins!

We commissioned the existing and newly appointed 2010 leadership team as follows:
Music Ministry Sister Burns
Prayer Ministry Arthur & Kate Steward
Student Ministry (13 yrs thru HS) Darren & Rebecca Davis
Education Ministry Bruce & Judy Wright
Welcome Ministry Max & Deborah Pals
Ladies Ministry Kelli Goode

During the afternoon, the house of God was a hub of activity as the Bible quiz teams practiced for their January tournaments and the music ministry practiced their repertoire of songs.

The pivotal point for the weekend was the Sunday evening service. Rev. Tim Asher preached to us “Hell’s only Hope” from Psalm 133:1-3. What a message for the hour! The adversary of the Church has only one hope; to divide us. A great move of the Holy Ghost came in the closing as the FPC family recommitted to ‘endeavoring to keep the Unity of the Spirit…till we all come to the Unity of the Faith”

By all accounts, First Pentecost is in store for another tremendous year of spiritual workings. We are diligently seeking the purpose of God to be revealed through us.

The impressions for Sunday, January 10, 2009 include the ministry of Rev. & Mrs. Thomas Gray in the morning Decatur county rest home service. Rev. John Guthrie will continue his “sermon on the mount’ Bible lesson to the sanctuary class. The next 3 Sunday morning messages will come to us from the Book of Colossians as we reconnect with the cardinal Truth of the Mighty God in Christ, the far reaching work and operation of Baptism and the clear call of Colossians to beware of becoming a ‘spoil’ of the spiritual battle raging between Christianity and Humanism.

Get Ready…Sunday’s Coming!!!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Jesus Name Greetings!

As every year since our coming to Parsons, the year closed with an eye toward reflection and a desire for greater consecration. The closing sermons of the year reminded the FPC family that we are 'sons and daughters of the True High Priest'. As Aaron's sons continued his ministry, so this 'royal priesthood' continues the ministry of our High Priest (Hebrews 3:1,6). The laws of consecration to minister in the holy places of His Presence require that we are not only anointed but remain consecrated (Exodus 30:30) unto the Lord.

A primary purpose of this blog will be to keep our church family informed and inspired. I will be using the basic format of reflection on the past 7 days and a 'hint' of what I see coming for Sunday.

This 1st Sunday of '10 will be filled with ministry and a flurry of last minute organizational meetings to launch the New Year.
Brother Jordan and I will team up to minister at the rest home @ 9:45 AM.
Rev. John Guthrie will begin a "Beatitudes" study series with the Sanctuary class @ 9:45 AM.

The Children's and Youth Chorales are preparing to sing unto the Lord in the morning service.

Ladies Ministry will be meeting from 5:00 - 5:45 PM in the prayer room.

Rev. Tim Asher is scheduled to preach the Word in the evening evangelistic service.

The morning worship service is being dedicated to commissioning the 2010 leadership team. From Acts 13:1-4, I will direct this new team to do their very best to let all of our church activities and pursuits flow out of the pattern given to us by this Antioch leadership team; prayer, fasting & worship must be the birthplace of all our sending!

Get ready...Sunday's Coming!