Friday, March 30, 2012

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Welcome in Jesus Name!  We are expecting great things this coming Sunday!  Please make plans to join us.

Rev. Bryan Saddler will be ministering to our children in the 9:45 AM Power Church clubhouse.

Rev. Thomas Gray will be ministering from Mark chapter 5 in the Book of Mark series.

Rev. & Mrs. Travis England will minster as the Decatur County Rest Home Ministry resumes!!

I am preparing a special message for the FPC family in the 11:00 AM session.

Rev. & Mrs. Phillip Miller are scheduled to minster in the 6:30 PM session!

Get ready...Sunday's Coming!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Greetings to All!  I apologize for not making an entry for last weekend.  Time just got away from me.  In review, the Power Church Team, led by Rev. & Mrs. Thomas Gray, ministered to kids ages 4-12 years!  Tremendous move of God in the Power Church!

The sanctuary class continued the book of Mark series in chapters 3 & 4 in the 9:45 AM session.  In the 11:00 AM session, I released a word from Psalms 106:7..."Understanding His Wonders". and then in the 6:30 PM session the Word come to us from Luke 12:40..."Be Ready Also".  The FPC family was encouraged and challenged in both sessions.

We are anticipating a tremendous Easter 2012 service on Sunday, April 8!  Please make plans to join us and help us reach our attendance goal of 350!!

Get Ready...Sunday's (EASTER'S) Coming!!!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Welcome!  This coming Sunday will be a very exciting and powerful day at First Pentecost.  The FPC family has been fasting and praying this week and revival fires are burning!

Get Ready...Sunday's Coming!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Welcome and praise the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ!  it is our hope that you are experiencing the abundant blessings of His Presence.

Sunday is almost here again.  Last weekend, the FPC family received the powerful ministry of Rev. & Mrs. Dathan Tipton, Assistant Pastor to Rev. D.W. Tipton at Vicksburg's First Pentecostal Church.  I encourage you to reach Brother Odis Lomax ( and place your order for both messages.  You will be blessed!

This Sunday, we continue the book of Mark sanctuary class series in 9:45 AM session.  I am preparing to release a special Gospel message of Faith and Deliverance in the 11:00 AM session.

In the 6:30 PM evening session, the FPC family will gather to praise and worship the Lord Jesus Christ.  He is worthy!

Get ready...Sunday's Coming!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Welcome.  We are preparing for a special visitation of the Power and Presence of God this coming weekend.

The education ministry is hosting Rev. Brian Saddler, Lighthouse/Jackson's children's ministry director in our first KIDZ Power Church service of the month

The sanctuary class will begin the Book of Mark study on this first Sunday of the new quarter.

FPC will welcome Rev. & Mrs. Dathan Tipton and family to minister in the 11:00 AM and 6:30 PM session!

Get Ready...Sunday's Coming!