Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Family Foundations Sunday was incredible! The presence of the Lord prompted repentance, renewing and revelation. The FPC family received the ministry of Rev. Darrell Sparks (Portland, Oregon) and he ministered in both the morning and evening services. The messages were direct and life changing. The audio can be ordered from Odis Lomax (odislomax@yahoo.com).

Revival services begin tonight with Rev. Larry Blackwell and will continue through Thursday evening. Rev. Blackwell is one of our own and will be working in the evangelistic gift. He will be ministering to those who are coming to receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost. We are also believing for a special operation of the gifts of the Spirit and miracles. Believe with us!

We are expecting Sunday, March 28 to be a dynamic day of prayer, worship and works of the Holy Ghost. I will be bringing the morning and evening messages to the FPC family and will be praying that our God will minster to specific needs.

Get ready...Sunday's Coming

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Sunday, March 14, 2010 Family Foundations Sunday

Jesus Name Greetings!

On Sunday, March 7, Rev. Larry Blackwell taught the sanctuary class on the subject of “Uzziah must die”. What a powerful and relevant lesson encouraging the class to remember that each of us is called to a specific role in the body and it is very important that we abide in that calling. The morning message, “Your Faith is greater than the Famine”, came to us as the first sermon of the Book of Ruth preaching series.

This week has been both exciting and exhausting. We have met with various focus groups each night this week to teach/discuss family and home issues. The audio of each session can be order from Brother Odis Lomax (odislomax@yahoo.com). The media team will hopefully have the session posted online at www.firstpentecost.com as soon as they are web ready. Subjects covered were; what is love, parenting in the 21st century, God’s order for the home, singles and students issues (with Rev. Darrell Sparks, Portland, Oregon), family/personal finance and finding love and companionship again.

Sunday, March 14 is Family Foundations Sunday with very special events happening in both services. The sanctuary class is set to be an Anti-Family Legislation Awareness session. Brother Bruce Wright, FPC Education Director, and I are teaming up to inform the FPC family of real-time efforts, by political and social entities, to erode parental authority.

The evening service is online to be a Family Symposium. We are gearing up to honor diamond (60+ years), golden (50-59 years) and ruby (40-49 years) marriages as well as hear a ‘marriage tip’ from each of them. A couple of other things are planned that I cannot divulge at the time…shhhhhhhhh!

The Lord is so good to us! The new church mortgage balance is just under $30, 200.00! Sister Burns and I are believing the Lord for a “Pay it off Spirit” to fall on the FPC family…Suddenly (get 3/7/2010 PM audio)!

Please invite someone to service with you and…Get Ready…Sunday’s Coming!!!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Jesus Name Greetings!

Spring is in the air. The FPC family is charged and praying for 2010 to be the greatest year of Kingdom progress ever experienced in Parsons, Tennessee.

January & February were spent in consecration, self examination and prayer. Many are experiencing greater desire for the move of God in their families and the Church family. I encourage each family to continue pressing and praying.

March 2010 is family month with March 8-12 being family week. The schedule/topics for the week are:

Monday, March 8, 2010
“What is…Love?” 7:00 PM—FPC Sanctuary

Tuesday, March 9, 2010
“Parenting in the 21st Century” 7:00 PM—FPC Sanctuary

Wednesday, March 10, 2010
“God’s Order for the Home” 7:00 PM—FPC Sanctuary

Thursday, March 11, 2010
Guest Minister Rev. Darrell Sparks, Portland, Or
7:00 PM—FPC Sanctuary (focus on Singles ages 21-35)
“Can I find Love? Again” 7:00 PM—Prayer Room

Friday, March 12, 2010
Women of Worth Brunch 10:00 AM—Conference Room
Guest Minister Rev. Darrell Sparks, Portland, Oregon 7:00 PM—FPC Sanctuary (focus on Students ages 13-20)
“A Matter of Finance” 7:00 PM—Prayer Room

We are expecting a move of God in every session. Find the topic/age focus that fits you and come believing that our Lord Jesus will meet the need.

On Sunday, March 7, Rev. Larry Blackwell will be teaching the sanctuary class, and, Lord willing, I will bring the morning and evening messages. The weekend messages will come to us from the Book of Ruth. Please consider spending some time reading the 85 verse of the book as this will better prepare you to experience all that the Spirit of God will say to us.

Please invite someone to service with you and…Get Ready…Sunday’s Coming!!!